sábado, 30 de julho de 2011

True strenght

Anyone can give up. That´s the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart; that´s true strenght...

Lonely lullaby...

"Why can´t we get all the people together in the world that we really like and then just stay together? I guess that wouldn´t work. Someone would leave; someone always leaves. The we would have to say goodbye. I hate goodbyes. I know what i need; i need more hellos."

-Charlie Brown

sexta-feira, 29 de julho de 2011


"You asked me what was wrong, i smiled and said nothing, you shrugged and turned around as a tears came down and i whispered to myself ... everything is..."

"I´m the type of girl who will fall for a guy she barely knows; who will listen to a love song and sees his face; who will look for him wherever she goes. I´m the type of girl who doesn´t get over things easily; who will beat herself up when someone doesn´t love her back; who will cry herself to sleep because she feels she´s not good enough. But i´m also the type of girl who´s strong; who can cry her eyes out and then forbid them to come back the next morning; who will blast the same old pop song and sing it at the top of her lungs because she feels like it; who will be no one but herself."

"My hair doesn´t always look the best, and i´m not the most popular girl at school. And even my good days have their bad moments. I have so many imperfections that could never be perfect. If i were perfect i would need no friends, because i would have nothing to cry to them for hours about. Or i would have no goal to be proud of, for accomplishing and making my life better. So maybe, just maybe it´s not so bad after all just being perfectly imperfect."

I miss you...

I miss you when something really good happens, because you´re the one i want to share it with. I miss you when something is troubling me, because you´re the only one who understands me so well.
I miss you when i laugh and cry, because i know that you´re the one who makes my laughter grow and my tears disappear.
I miss you all the time, but i miss you the most when i lie awake at night and think of all the wonderful times we spent with each other for those were some of the best memorable times of my life.


I like dreaming a lot. I mean, not like everyone else doesn´t. But it´s just something i like looking forward to. I don´t always remember all of them, and usually they´re all pretty damn weird. But it´s the fact that i´m in a world that isn´t real. It´s just a nice place where i probably can´t get hurt. Ans it´s nice. It´s nice because when i´m dreaming, i have no worries. I don´t think. And i´ve never felt better.

quinta-feira, 28 de julho de 2011

"I want to know that somewhere i may cross your mind"
-Tristan ad Isolde


Sorri sempre, mesmo nas situações mais difíceis da vida. Quando eu gozar contigo, faz beicinho e mostra que não gostaste e depois quando eu ficar chateada vem a correr ter comigo, beija-me a testa e diz que estavas só a brincar. Olha-me nos olhos mesmo que eu fique muito envergonhada. Faz jogos, sê difícil, deixa-me louca. Diz sempre a verdade, nunca me escondas nada. Sempre que eu te abraçar, aperta-me mais contra ti, fazendo esse momento durar ainda mais. Manda-me sms a qualquer hora do dia que diga que tens saudades minhas, do meu cabelo, do meu abraço e não esperes que eu te mande algo de volta obrigatoriamente, porque tu sabes que eu te adoro e não precisas de me ouvir dizer isso. Provoca-me, faz-me ciúmes com
outra pessoa. Goza comigo pelo facto de tu seres mestre e eu uma simples caloira.
Mas, por favor, AMA-ME acima de tudo...

"Eu parei para pensar, estou tão preocupada com o que os outros vão pensar, se os outros aprovam ou não, o que vão dizer, que eu estou deixando de pensar no que é bom para mim. Pára e pensa, é bom para ti? Faz-te bem? Se a resposta para essas perguntas for sim ou até mesmo um talvez, segue em frente, se tudo der errado quem vai sofrer és tu e não os outros, quem sabe o que é melhor para ti és tu e só tu."

terça-feira, 19 de julho de 2011

Guardian angel...

"Everyone has an angel. A Guardian who watches over us. We can´t know what form they´ll take. One day old man, next day little girl. But don´t let appearances fool you, they can be as fierce as any dragon.
Yet they´re not here to fight our battles. But to whisper from our hearts, reminding that it´s us. It´s everyone of us who holds power over the world we create. You can deny angels exist, convince ourselves they can´t be real. But they show up anyway, at strange places and at strange times.
They can speak through any character we can imagine. They´ll shout throught demons if they have to. Daring us, challenging us to fight."

- Sweet Pea (Sucker Punch)

domingo, 3 de julho de 2011

California King Bed

Chest to chest
Nose to nose
Palm to palm
We were always just that close
Wrist to wrist
Toe to toe
Lips that felt just like the inside of a rose

So how come when I reach out my fingers
It feels like more than distance between us

In this California king bed
We're ten thousand miles apart
I bet California wishing on these stars for your heart for me
My California king

Eye to eye
Cheek to cheek
Side by side
You were sleeping next to me
Arm to arm
Dusk to dawn
With the curtains drawn
And a little last night on these sheets

So how come when I reach out my fingers
It seems like more than distance between us

In this California king bed
We're ten thousand miles apart
I bet California wishing on these stars for your heart for me
My California king

Just when I felt like giving upon us
You turned around and gave me one last touch
That made everything feel better
And even then my eyes got better
So confused wanna ask you if you love me
But I dont wanna seem so weak
Maybe Ive been california dreamer

In this California king bed
We're ten thousand miles apart
I bet California wishing on these stars for your heart for me
My California king

In this California king bed
We're ten thousand miles apart
I bet California wishing on these stars for your heart for me
My California king