quarta-feira, 8 de setembro de 2010

"There´s no point in dancing with dreams. Dreams can not wrap their arms around you on cold nights. They can not call you first thing in the morning just to say hello. They can not kiss your forehead or hold your hand. Dreams live in the mind, and it is there that they stay. Dreams can not keep you company when you are alone. Dreams can not say, "i love you". Dreams can only go so far. I don´t want another dream; i want you..."

"Some say the world will end in fire, some say in ice. From what i´ve tasted of desire, i hold with those who favor fire. But if i had to perish twice, i think i know enough of hate to say that for destruction ice is also great and would suffice." Robert Frost

"It´s kinda silly, everyday i think to myself, the next time you see him, give him the biggest smile you got, just to see what happens. Will you smile back? If you don´t will it make you think? Because in that moment when you see me smiling at you, i am on your mind. Then when i see you for real, i tatoo on my smile and just as we past, the smile goes away because your not looking at me to begin with. I think about a guy who doesn´t see me and that´s why love is kinda silly."

"We´re so arrogant, aren´t we? So afraid of age, we do anything we can to prevent it. We don´t realize what a privilege it is to grow old with someone. Someone who doesn´t drive you to commit murder or doesn´t humiliate you beyond repair." - P.S. I love you

quarta-feira, 1 de setembro de 2010

sábado, 3 de julho de 2010

Hold me and never let go...

There is always someone better than you.
There is always someone prettier than you.
There is always someone more talented than you.
There is always someone one step ahead of you...
The girl who is better than you, may be just the loneliest person.
The girl who is prettier than you may not be so pretty on the inside.
The person smarter than you, may not have the love you receive from others.
So never ever be the jealous one.
Love what you have...
Cause once it´s gone... it´s gone.

"Like in a big race, in life there is a finish line. Some get carried over, that just means some, very few, run across broken down, gasping for breath with a smile on their face. They are the ones who lived. However you decide to cross, take your time and cherish every mile."

I´ve learned that it´s easier to see what´s on the surface rather than what´s underneath. We´re all guilty of judging a book by it´s cover. I wonder what´s on the cover of "the big L word" i bet you the cover is beautiful, amazing and rather alluring. I don´t know what´s about inside though, it all depends on you.

"The truth is we´re complete opposites. I say "you and me" and you insist it´s "me and you". I enjoy something acoustic, you like that hard core rock and roll, the kind that makes your ears bleed. My favourite subject is History and you prefer math. You always insist you know where you´re going, no need to ask for directions. I have no problem admitting when i´m lost, probably because i´m always lost. This may sounds completely lame, but i often get lost in your eyes. When i´m happy, you´re sad. When you´re cheereful, i´m mad. We never see eye to eye on anything. But we´re the kind of opposites that attract and our hearts are like magnets. I´ll never let go of you and you´ll never let go of me."

"Once you find what you´re looking for, you tend to hesitate. You think, this is just too amazing to be true. You love me for me , and baby i love every part of you. Don´t let go of his hand, don´t let that beautiful smile fade away and don´t let the good things slip by. You never know how long they will last. It´s your own little miracle, so give it a taste and savor every bate."

quinta-feira, 24 de junho de 2010

A melhor cena (para mim) do filme "The Labyrinth" de 1986 com David Bowie e Jennifer Connelly... Apesar de ser muito antigo é um filme excelente! A não perder mesmo!!!

A canção apresentada nesta cena é "As The World Falls Down"... adoro-a ** !

sábado, 24 de abril de 2010

quinta-feira, 1 de abril de 2010

"You can never tell what people are thinking and feeling unless they tell you, and usually they lie. you ask them, ‘Whats wrong?’ and they say ‘Nothing’. You accept this because it’s easier than digging for the truth. People smile when they want to cry, they laugh when they want to scream and shout. They pretend like nothing is wrong because they don’t want to face the truth. Things aren’t always rainbows and butterflies, sometimes you gotta scream and cry your anger and sadness to the world, because you can only hold it in for so long True, we love life, not because we are used to living, but because we are used to loving. There is always some madness in love, but there is also always some reason in madness. ”

"Beauty is only skin deep. I think what’s really important is finding a balance of mind, body and spirit. Somebody said to me not too long ago, ‘Until you’re twenty, you have the face you are born with, and after that you have the face you deserve’, and I really loved that - the idea that you wear who you are on your face. ”

"I don’t know if I continue, even today, always liking myself. But what I learned to do many years ago was to forgive myself. It is very important for every human being to forgive herself or himself because if you live, you will make mistakes- it is inevitable. But once you do and you see the mistake, then you forgive yourself and say, ‘well, if I’d known better I’d have done better,’ that’s all. So you say to people who you think you may have injured, ‘I’m sorry,’ and then you say to yourself, ‘I’m sorry.’ If we all hold on to the mistake, we can’t see our own glory in the mirror because we have the mistake between our faces and the mirror; we can’t see what we’re capable of being. You can ask forgiveness of others, but in the end the real forgiveness is in one’s own self. I think that young men and women are so caught by the way they see themselves. Now mind you. When a larger society sees them as unattractive, as threats, as too black or too white or too poor or too fat or too thin or too sexual or too asexual, that’s rough. But you can overcome that. The real difficulty is to overcome how you think about yourself. If we don’t have that we never grow, we never learn, and sure as hell we should never teach. ”

"We live in a fantasy world, a world of illusion. The great task in life is to find reality. ”

"Hard work spotlights the character of people: some turn up their sleeves, some turn up their noses, and some don’t turn up at all. ”

terça-feira, 23 de fevereiro de 2010

Alice (underground) by Avril Lavigne

Esta música faz parte da banda sonora do novo filme "Alice in Wonderland" de Tim Burton... Mal posso esperar para ir ao cinema vê-lo!!!

segunda-feira, 15 de fevereiro de 2010

Nobody said it was easy...

Imagine the people you see everyday right now,
the people you would least expect not to see tomorrow.
In a coupe of months, college will come and with it new friends and new experiences.
The people you see everyday in the halls...
Your friends, and some of them your best friends, will disappear from your life, each going their own way.
You´ll see them once every ten years at some random reunion if that.
These are the people you have grown up with,
and friends with them or not,
there will come a time when many of them won´t even cross your mind.
the Truth is,
you´ll see your best friends maybe once a year,
because time goes by so fast and everyone is so busy.
Enjoy today and tomorrow because these days come but once in our lives.
Be thankful for what you have and most of all,
for who you have in your life because life´s plans for you may bring you away from these people. But no matter what anyone says,
no matter what time can do,
your heart will always bring back the best,
and your memories with them will forever hold a place in your soul...

You can be happy tomorrow.
You can be hapy when you get through your list of things to do.
You can be happy when you meet the one.
You can be happy when you get the right job.
You can be happy when you get that raise.
You can be happy when you stop buying the things you need and start buying the things you want.
You can be happy when you retire.
You can be happy when the weather suits you.
You can be happy on a plane.
You can be happy in the rain.
Or you can stop reading this, take a deep breath, and be happy right now.

domingo, 31 de janeiro de 2010

Uma das maiores catástrofes de sempre... Não podemos continuar a ver a desgraça diante dos nossos olhos e não fazer nada para ajudar... Eu já o fiz, enviando dinheiro para a AMI...
TU também o podes fazer; não é preciso muito, pois se todas as pessoas derem, o pouco transforma-se em muito...

sábado, 30 de janeiro de 2010