quarta-feira, 30 de dezembro de 2009

Demaisssssssssss... adoro esta publicidade... e o perfume é espectacular!!! XD

"A nova sensação do momento é o perfume ‘Ricci Ricci’ de Nina Ricci, recem lançado na França (Agosto de 2009), a fragrância foi criada pelos perfumistas Aurélien Guichard e Jacques Huclier da Givaudan; dizem que a mesma demorou dois anos para ser desenvolvida. A fragrância é composta notas de bergamota, belle de nuit, rosa, tuberosa indiana, e toques de patchouli e sândalo."

A campanha publicitária tem como estrela a modelo Jessica Stam vestida como uma gatinha. O frasco é em tons de rosa escuro, com uma laço encantador em tons de rosa metalizado.

segunda-feira, 28 de dezembro de 2009

Love... Love... Love... L.O.V.E!!!!

"Love will always come to those who still hope though they've been disappointed. Love comes to those who are strong enough to still believe though they've been betrayed. Love will come to those who still need it, though they've been hurt before. It comes to the one who have the courage and the faith to trust again."

"Relationships are never easy. Some days you're going to wake up and that love you know you have for the person in the bed next to you, isn't going to come so naturally. We always say "no one told us it was going to be this hard" but they do. We choose not to listen, because it seems so unreasonable that one day you will be able to keep your hands off of eachother. One day you will spend your free time, away from each other. The only way you can make a relationship last is if you work at it everyday and never give up on it. Because if you take time to fight and argue and still can't imagine leaving them, then you love them. And that's the kind of love that's forever."

"I wanna marry you because you're the first person I wanna look at when I wake up in the morning and the only one I want to kiss goodnight. Because the first time that I saw these hands,I couldn't imagine not being able to hold them." - Definitely, Maybe

"I wish I had a boyfriend. I wish he lived in the wardrobe on a coat hanger. Whenever I wanted, I could get him out and he'd look at me the way boys do in films, as if I'm beautiful."

"I want to spend all my days with you... Wrestling over remotes; playing in the mud. Throwing each other in pools. Fighting over the last piece of cheesecake.Killing each other over which TV show we're gonna watch. And then not watching it anyways.I want to make you mad... & then kiss you.I want you & me. Forever."

... Just for fun XD :

sexta-feira, 25 de dezembro de 2009

"I guess the reason I think I'm nothing is because no one has ever fought for me. I believe if I was really truly worth it, that somewhere along this road, someone would've fought for me to stay. But instead, I always wound up walking away."

"Since when it's better to be quiet? To just close your eyes, pretending you don't know, to just be silent? Or maybe we could throw each other regrets and lies, 'cause we're both good at that. I'll blame you the one thing, you'll blame me the other. Not that it would change a thing at the situation, but it's both what we want to do, don't we? We both need to throw out what's standing in our ways and need to find a way to deal with our anger. And this is not what I mean, no this is not at all what I mean, but I just can't let go of things. Maybe we should go back to the beginning, we're losing each other this way..."

"We cling to music, to poems, to quotes, to writing, to art because we desperately do not want to be alone. We want to know we aren't going crazy and someone else out there knows exactly how you're feeling. We want someone to explain the things we can't."

"I've always followed my heart instead of my head. I've always jumped, always took that leap of faith into the unknown,having no idea of what the outcome of my actions would be. But now, now it's so very clear. I need to stop following my heart.I just need to stop, before I do anything at all. I need to stop and think about it, about what I am about to do.I need to think about whether it is right or it is wrong. Because when you follow your heart, you lose track of what's right and what's wrong, and it tears you apart."

"Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the question. "

sexta-feira, 20 de novembro de 2009

Life is strange...

You really shouldn't care what other people think. Let them make fun of the music you listen and the words that come out of your mounth. Let them tell you how you should be and ignore it; at the end of the day, you are who you are and no one can take that away.

"I know how this story goes, because I've read it many times before. Sure, this version has a new beginning, but we know they all end the same. Someone with a broken heart and someone who broke it, and it'll always be me who plays the first character."
"I've seen people falling in love, I heard them talking about. About blushing, tinteling toes, butterflies in the stomach and how your face seems to lighten up when he's around. A smile that just can't get off, they say. And though I'm pretty sure that I'm in love with you, I can't find that smile at my face when you're around. It's just that I can't stand it, when you're near to me. In my head everything seems so clear… I want you, you want her and that's it. But everything is so messed up when you're standing next to me, and I just want to push you away or fall into your arms and tell you that I can't handle this."

"I knew who I was this morning...

but I've changed a couple times since then."
"I like coincidences.
They make me wonder about destiny, and whether free will is an illusion or just a matter of perspective.
They let me speculate on the idea of some master plan that,
from time to time, we're allowed to see out of the corner of our eye."

sábado, 19 de setembro de 2009

you... me

"I`ve realized that when I`m with you the world goes away.When you look at me with your amazing eyes,I could stay with you forever.And that every time we`re talking,I constantly have a smile on my face."

"I pretend you're my blanket at night and I hold you so tight And for that little moment where I believe it's you It's like the sunrise came early and and decided to stay And the beautiful pink that comes about is so reminiscent of you..."

"I think about you every single day, every second, every minute, every prayer I pray to get you back in my arms. What Id give to have you around. Every night I lie awake cause I can't sleep. Midnight to morning feels like a damn week. I miss you so much I can barely breathe."

"Laying there with your arms around me, I felt so comfortable and safe. My heart was beating a mile a minute having you so close to me. As you played with my hair and kissed me, I couldn't help but smile straight from my heart. I could see how much you cared from the look in your eyes. It made me never want to let you go, to just stay wrapped in your arms forever, where nothing else matters but you and me."

terça-feira, 15 de setembro de 2009

Nem sei bem porque é que criei um blogue... mas pronto... cá vai...

Sou uma rapariga normal... nada de interessante, apenas demasiado vulgar... luto por aquilo que acredito, sou muito complicada e minuciosa e teimosa, adoro os meus amigos, sou fanática por música, adoro ler, odeio televisão (refiro-me aqueles programas de xaxa tipo Tardes da Júlia e etc), adoro fazer ginásio mas não suporto as idiotas aulas de ed. física... que desperdício de tempo a meu ver ( para além de que sempre apanhei professores idiotas que nada fazem)... Estou no secundário, prestes a entrar no 12º ano... Vamos lá ver como corre...

Há quem me considere uma marrona porque adoro ler e estudo bastante... que tolice... não tenho nada de marrona... sou divertida e adoro pôr toda a gente a rir; e o facto de estudar... qual é o problema?! Só estou a cuidar do meu futuro!

Cidade de sonho: Londres (já lá estive haha!!!!!)

Comida favorita: Lasanha ( sim sou como o Garfield... não, não fisicamente está claro... mas sim nesta maneira de pensar... e SIM, ODEIO SEGUNDAS!!!!)

Adoro cantar (sonho antigo, não me apetece falar nisso agora); sou fã dos livros da Stephenie Meyer (já os filmes... bem não são maus mas não sei bem... os livros são TÃO melhores!), Nora Roberts, Nicholas Sparks (A Walk to Remember!!!!!), Torey Hayden, Agatha Christie, etc, etc,etc... Música: TUDO- Switchfoot, A Fine Frenzy, Ashley Tisdale, Avril, Beyoncé, Brie Larson, David Archuleta, Diana Krall, Taylor Swift, Flyleaf, Green Day, Josh Groban, Katy Perry, Kelly Klarkson, Michele Branch, Muse, Moby, Owl City, Bandas sonoras, etc.

Este blogue vai ser essencialmente composto por quotes... umas coisitas recentes pelas quais me apaixonei... todas as que têm aspas não me pertencem (e dizem vocês: A SÉRIO?! Não me digas!)... Pronto, só estou a avisar...

Okay... Acho que já dei seca que chegue... This is me... Welcome to my little world...