sábado, 23 de abril de 2011

Asleep Emily Browning

Sing me to sleep
Sing me to sleep
I'm tired and I
I want to go to bed

Sing me to sleep
Sing me to sleep
And then leave me alone
Don't try to wake me in the morning
'Cause I will be gone
Don't feel bad for me
I want you to know
Deep in the cell of my heart
I will feel so glad to go

Sing me to sleep
Sing me to sleep
I don't want to wake up
On my own anymore

Sing to me
Sing to me
I don't want to wake up
On my own anymore

Don't feel bad for me
I want you to know
Deep in the cell of my heart
I really want to go

Sing me to sleep
Sing me to sleep

There is another world
There is a better world
Well, there must be
There must be

There is another world
There is a better world

2 comentários:

lalchy disse...

love it. and i hope i will see that movie. :D

Walking Alone disse...

Olá honeyyyy!!! =)
Desculpa não ter comentado o teu post mais cedo :\ tem sido meio complicado :S
Bem achei o poema simplesmente lindo, cheio de sentimento e super romântico *.* ao que parece por aquele coment tem a ver com um filme… Depois tens de me dizer qual é porque deve ser lindo também *.* and… i wanna sing for you to sleep sweetty!
Continua a postar honey :D ta simplesmente lindo =)
Adoro-te muito mesmo <3